Skyrocket your sales by getting ranked on the first page of Google

One of the toughest challenge that any online store owner faces is to get Ranked in google search engine[ติดอันดับ google, which is the term in Thai]. There are of course several ways to get sales but almost all of them cost money. For instance, you have to pay to post ads on social media platforms, or search engines. Only through optimization, you can be assured to generate some sales without paying for marketing or advertising.

Meaning of SEO

SEO is short for search engine optimization. It is a process of optimizing your content and getting backlinks to get ranked on the first page of a search engine like Google. However, SEO is not easy and it takes some time. Even the experts have to wait 2-3 months before they start to see any results.

Basics of SEO

There are three simple basics of SEO that you must follow if you want your store to rank high.

These SEO basics are:

  • Keep improvising your content. You must do keyword research before you start writing your content. But, more important is to keep optimizing your content that has grown old. Research new keywords and edit everything accordingly.
  • Make sure that dwell time is high per user. Dwell time is the total time spend by a user before they decide to go back to Google. If the dwell time is high, it means people choose to spend more time on your page.
  • Write detailed product description. A lot of people skip this step and they are actually missing out hundreds, if not thousands, of sales. Make sure to write comprehensive product descriptions and use keywords in them.

Follow the steps and you are good to go

Just follow these steps and you will start to see the growth in a month of two. If you feel intimidated by technical stuff, you can always hire an expert.

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